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Ricardo Ricchini

Ricardo Ricchini

Handmade Bag with Milk Cartons

Com caixinhas Longa Vida você pode fazer sacolinhas de presente

Recycling materials is a great way to reduce your environmental impact and create useful, personalized items. Turning milk cartons into a gift bag is a sustainable and creative way to give as a gift or decorate your Christmas tree.

Using Broccoli Leaves in Cooking


Often, due to ignorance or lack of habit, we end up discarding parts of food that could be used in full. In the case of broccoli, for example, the leaves are often discarded, even though they are extremely nutritious. Let's explore the importance of…

Broccoli Stalk Fritters Recipe

talo de brócolis

Broccoli and other greens are often discarded, but these pieces often contain a significant amount of nutrients and can be turned into delicious fritters. By using the whole thing, you not only reduce waste, but also save money.