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Ricardo Ricchini

Ricardo Ricchini

Health Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba

Você já ouviu falar em Ginkgo Biloba? Embora possa não parecer, o Ginkgo Biloba é uma árvore asiática amplamente cultivada na China e em outros países orientais. Esta planta tem sido utilizada como remédio tradicional há milênios, especialmente por chineses…

How to make a cardboard jewelry box

Como fazer um porta joias de papelão

Today you will learn how to make a cardboard jewelry box. But before that, have you ever realized how many cardboard boxes are discarded every day? In a small house, it is easy to accumulate these boxes, and in a condominium, the number…

Bag made with tin can tabs


Creating a unique and sustainable bag made from can tabs can be easier than it seems, especially when you have about 1000 can tabs at your disposal. With a combination of crochet skills and a little patience, you can create a…

Tin seal bag: step by step

Creating a handmade tin can tab bag using tin can tabs is an art that combines sustainability and creativity. This article complements the text about the Bag Made with Tin Can Tabs, presenting a detailed step-by-step guide…