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Ricardo Ricchini

Ricardo Ricchini

PET Christmas decoration

Natal decorado com garrafa PET

Today's topic will be: PET Christmas decorations. Decorating your city for Christmas using recyclable materials is a practice that is becoming increasingly common and should be adopted by city halls around the world.…

Christmas tree made from used magazines

Chegou a hora de decorar sua casa para o natal. E pode ser de uma maneira sipática, sustentável e econômica!

Today we will talk about Christmas trees made from used magazines. With Christmas approaching, comes the opportunity to decorate your home in a unique, sustainable and economical way. A creative idea that combines recycling and crafts is to make a Christmas tree from…

Make your own vase with PET bottles

Estes vasos são muito fáceis de fazer

Today we will talk about how to create your own vase with PET bottles. Plastic bottles are extremely versatile. In addition to being able to be recycled industrially to create a variety of products, such as PET tapes or even surfboards, they can also be used as…