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Category: Others

Crafts with recyclable materials are a noble profession that takes materials from the streets and from nature, prevents them from ending up in landfills and landfills, and also has the power to raise awareness about the problem of recycling, reuse and repurposing. Every time you buy a product that comes from artisanal recycling, you are benefiting the small entrepreneur and helping the environment.

Sewing Machines: Get Inspired and Reuse!

Máquinas de Costura

Do you remember those nostalgic moments when you would enter your grandmother’s room and see those imposing sewing machines? For many, the image of a sewing machine is directly associated with family and upbringing memories. If you…

Tennis ball turns into a purse

Have you ever wondered what to do with those old tennis balls that are no longer useful for playing tennis? Instead of throwing them away, you can turn them into something creative and functional, like a coin purse. This project is…