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Category: Step by step

Artisanal paper recycling

reciclagem artesanal de papel

Artisanal paper recycling plays a significant role in reducing solid waste and can even generate income opportunities for those who engage in this practice. In Brazil, around 40% of urban waste is composed of paper,…

Toy castle with recyclables

Castelo de brinquedo com recicláveis

Encouraging children to develop curiosity and creativity from an early age is one of the most effective ways to promote environmental awareness. And this can be done in a fun and educational way! Creating toys with reused materials is a great way to…

PET trap against the Dengue mosquito

Armadilha PET

The proliferation of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which transmits diseases such as Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya, is a recurring public health problem. In view of this, a simple and low-cost solution has gained popularity: the PET Trap. Made from…

Panel with Reused Matchboxes


Creating a special, personalized gift can be a wonderful way to show someone you care. If you’re looking for a unique and sustainable idea, consider making a decorative display using repurposed matchboxes. Not only can this project…

Packaging Toys: Creativity and Awareness

brinquedos feitos com embalagens recicláveis

Creating toys with disposable packaging is a practice that goes beyond simple fun. By involving children in this process, it is possible to teach important lessons about conscious consumption and sustainability. After all, what we often call trash can, in fact, be…

Disposable Packaging Gift Boxes

Caixas de presente reciclada

With cardboard boxes and wrapping paper that we throw away every day, beautiful and delicate gift boxes appear as if by magic! Learn how to transform disposable packaging into unique and creative gift boxes. This step-by-step guide will show you how to…