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Transforming Long-Life Packaging into Stylish Wallets and Purses


In a world that is increasingly aware of the need for sustainable practices, reusing materials is an excellent way to reduce environmental impact. Longa Vida packaging, used for milk and juices, is perfect for creating practical and stylish accessories, such as wallets and purses. In this guide, you will learn how to transform these packaging into useful and creative accessories through simple cutting, gluing and folding techniques.

Embalagens Longa Vida

The Importance of Reusing Long-Life Packaging

Reusing Long Life packaging not only helps reduce waste, but it also offers a creative way to make new everyday items. These packagings are made from materials that can be easily molded and customized, making them ideal for craft projects. In addition to helping the environment, this type of project can be a fun way to explore your creativity.

Preparing Long Life Packaging

Before you start making your accessories, it’s important to prepare the packaging properly. First, wash the packaging thoroughly to remove any liquid residue. Then, open the creases on the sides of the packaging and flatten the package, making it easier to cut and shape. To make a coin purse, choose juice cartons, which are longer and narrower. For the wallet, use traditional milk cartons.

You will need the following materials:

  • 1 empty milk or juice carton
  • 1 tube of instant glue
  • Scissors or utility knife
  • Self-adhesive paper in the color of your choice
  • Ruler
  • Velcro

Step by Step Guide to Making a Wallet

Start by cutting off the top and bottom edges of the packaging. Then, cut the sides at the top of the packaging to create a flap about 1.5 inches (4 cm) wide, which will serve as the cover of the wallet. Fold the sides of the packaging inward and fold the wallet in half, reinforcing the creases with the ruler if necessary.

After assembling the wallet, cover the sides with self-adhesive paper to reinforce and decorate. Use instant glue to join the central part of the wallet and apply the Velcro, waiting about 10 minutes for it to dry. Your wallet is ready to use! For a personal touch, you can customize it even more with fabric, designs or paintings.

Creating a Long-Life Packaging Coin Purse

To make a coin purse, follow a similar process. The main difference is that you will be using narrower, longer juice cartons. Once you have prepared and flattened the carton, cut it to create the shape you want for your coin purse. As with the wallet, you can use self-adhesive paper for decoration and Velcro for the closure.

Additional Features for Customization

If you’d like to explore more customization techniques, check out the video below, which provides a clear and easy-to-follow overview of how to create your own Longa Vida packaging wallet. Although it’s in English, the steps are simple and visually understandable.

If the idea of creating your own wallet from Long Life packaging sounds appealing, but you don’t have time for the DIY process, consider recycling your packaging or looking for wallet options made from recycled materials. There are several alternatives available that can meet your needs while promoting sustainability.

Reusing Longa Vida packaging to create wallets and purses is a practical and creative way to reduce waste and promote environmental awareness. By following the steps outlined and exploring your creativity, you can transform items that would otherwise be discarded into unique and functional accessories. Try these techniques and discover how you can contribute to a more sustainable world through simple and innovative projects.

Check out other interesting facts about recycling clicking here.
Learn how to make art by recycling, Click here.

Ricardo Ricchini
Ricardo Ricchini
Articles: 249